PDF User manual
如何使用 set.a.light 3D 创建您的第一个项目
了解基本要素 – 从用户界面概览到创建您自己的姿势。然后,您就可以开始进行您的第一个项目了。
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我拥有台式电脑和笔记本电脑。我可以在多台设备上使用 set.a.light 3D 吗?
set.a.light 3D 可以在 Mac 和 Windows 上运行吗?
是的,软件可以在 Mac 和 Windows 上运行。购买后,您可以在下载页面中获取用于对应系统的安装程序。
set.a.light 3D 主要使用您的显存和内存来进行实时渲染过程。为了软件的顺畅运行,我们推荐使用显存不少于2GB的显卡。更多信息,请查看硬件配置需求。
购买 BASIC 版本后是否可以升级到 STUDIO 版本?
当然!您可以随时购买升级服务,以获得 set.a.light 3D STUDIO 的全部功能。
STUDIO 版本适合哪些人,BASIC 版本适合哪些人?
我们坚信每个人都应该有机会使用软件自学布光和并进行创作。因此我们以较低的价格提供 BASIC 版本。
如果您想先熟悉软件,看看它是否适合您,或者说如果您对影棚布光一无所知,想要初步了解。BASIC 版本更适合您,BASIC版本具备创建简单光线设置所需的闪光灯可选。(无常亮光源)。
如果您创造力非凡,或者想要使用电影灯光和常亮光源,那么 STUDIO 版本是您的最佳选择。与 BASIC 版本不同,STUDIO 版本没有任何功能限制,拥有更多可能性,您可以创建复杂的布光场景并应用于更广泛的项目规划。
Release Notes
Find out what’s been added and improved in set.a.light 3D since our first release.
V 2.5.9g 的新功能
版本 2.5.9g 的更新补丁 (质量补丁):
- 修复: Mac 上的颗粒问题已解决
- 修复: 在某些罕见情况下,LUT 被应用到错误的颜色空间
- 修复: Mac 用户现在可以再次将结果图像上传到社区
- 修复: Mac 上删除社区条目时的问题已解决
- 小错误修复
更新大小:Windows: 27 MB - macOS: 52 MB
V 2.5.9f 的新功能
版本 2.5.9f 的新功能如下:
- 新增: Aputure LS 1200D PRO 搭配 7 种集成灯光修饰工具
- 新增: 相机的后期效果,支持导入自定义的 LUT 文件
- 控制对比度、颜色饱和度、暗角、胶片颗粒及颜色查找表
- 选择现成的颜色查找表(LUT),并支持导入 .cube 格式的自定义 LUT
- 小错误修复
更新大小:Windows: 186 MB - macOS: 300 MB
V 2.5.9e 的新功能
版本 2.5.9e 是一个针对 Windows 的紧急修复更新
- Windows 紧急修复:引擎中的证书检查失败问题已修复
- 小错误修复
更新大小:Windows: 28 MB
V 2.5.9d 的新功能
版本 2.5.9d 是针对 macOS Sonoma 14.2 的紧急修复更新
- 紧急修复:在 macOS Sonoma 14.2 及更高版本中,如果鼠标光标显示发生变化,set.a.light 可能会冻结
- 翻译改进
- 社区稳定性提升
- 小错误修复和改进
更新大小:Windows: 28 MB - macOS: 97 MB
V 2.5.9b 的新功能
版本 2.5.9b 包含以下新功能:
- 新增: ARRI SkyPanel S360-C LED
- 新增: 为 Aputure LS 600D PRO 提供的 7 种灯光修饰工具
- 新增: 支持中文语言
- 新增: 为电影摄像机提供“假色”和“EL 区域”模式
- 社区: 现在可以上传使用自定义 3D 对象的设置到社区
- 许多小错误修复和改进 (包括修复 2.5.9a 中的问题)
更新大小:Windows: 30 MB - macOS: 54 MB
What's new in V 2.5.9
The new version 2.5.9 contains the following new features
NEW: 3D Importer (beta) as add-on (chargeable)
NEW: Japanese language integrated
NEW: Snoot with 6 cm ⌀ + honeycomb for flashes
NEW: Background reflector for flashes
NEW: Snoot with 6 cm ⌀ + honeycomb for speedlights
NEW: Background reflector for speedlights
- Small bugfixes
- Note: Apple computers with Ventura need a new installation
The update has a size of 35 MB for Windows and 56 MB for MAC
What's new in V 2.5.8F
The new version 2.5.8f contains the following new features
- NEW: Godox AD200 Godox AD200 available as selectable flash head for all flash light shapers (in tab monolight)
- NEW: Godox Beauty Dish 42 cm in silver and white with diffuser (in tab Monolight)
- NEW: Lamp tripod without light source as prop (height adjustable)
- NEW: Camera tripod without camera as prop (height adjustable)
- More combinations for creating your own speedlights (zoom range, guide number)
- New control range for Elinchrom (0.1-4.4) to create your own speedlights
- NEW: Light Dome Mini II 55cm for Monolight
- NEW: more light shapers for Aputure (LS 120D II, LS C300D II and LS 300X) continuous lights
- Light Dome Mini II 55cm
- Light Box 60 X 90 cm
- Light Box 30 x 120 cm - Small bugfixes
The update has a size of 22 MB for Windows and 37 MB for MAC
What's new in V 2.5.8D
Patch for version 2.5.8 (a)
- Picture wall can now also be used transparently
- NEW: Fitness assets with 22 new sport objects
- NEW: Car with activatable headlights, doors can be opened and steering can be controlled
- Filebrowser for Mac improved (it happened that the filebrowser could not be operated)
- Small bugfixes
The update has a size of 100 MB for Windows and 110 MB for MAC
What's new in V 2.5.8C
Patch for version 2.5.8 (a)
- New: Autosave (every 6 minutes - NAME.autosave.set)
- New: The camera can now be focused manually (in the detailed settings)
- The room can now be enlarged up to 100 meters
- Continuous light can now be replaced directly by monolight (drag & drop)
- Bugs fixed
What's new in V 2.5.8a
Patch for version 2.5.8
- New: Bare Flash (without light shaper)
- New: 2/3" Sensor
- Colour of dummy camera can now be adjusted
- Glasses are now visible in the mirror
- Nylons and socks are now visible in the mirror
- PNGs with 16 bit can now be imported
- Bugs fixed
What's new in V 2.5.8
The new version 2.5.8 contains the following new features:
- NEW! Facial expressions for all models
- NEW! Create and save your own facial expressions
- UPDATED! You can now mirror the pose
- UPDATED! Many new lights and modifiers: - New additions to monolights: Umbrella W/S - Ø 210 cm; - New additions to speedlights: Octabox Ø - 90 cm; - New additions to permalights: LED Video Lamp - 14 x 8 cm, Aputure LS 120D II Ø 20cm + 3 new light shapers (Fresnel 2X, Light Dome II Ø 89cm, Lantern), Aputure LS 300X Ø 20cm + 3 new light shapers (Fresnel 2X, Light Dome II Ø 89cm, Lantern), Aputure LS 600D PRO Ø 20cm;
- Various ceiling lamps, pendant lamps, table lamps, floor lamps and candles
- NEW! Mirror (Mirrors the scene - mirroring of the light is also possible - Mirroring across two mirrors is not possible)
- UPDATED! More props like drums, palms, phone, palms, furniture, toilet, studio equipment, carpet with adjustable textures
- NEW! Experimental car (reflections in the paint not yet possible)
- UPDATED! Wall element has a new windows and doors option
- UPDATED! New basic shapes with more flexibility
- UPDATED! Improvements and additions to the camera: ND filter added to camera, anamorphic lens for video camera added, camera can now be set in detailed settings, ISO 3, 6 and 12 added, more lenses added
- UPDATED! Improvements and additions to the models: new garment (women), new headscarf (women), new cap (women/men), new eyes that look more realistic and improved reflections in the eyes, it’s now possible to save styled models in the detail settings as a preset
- UPDATED! Multiselect has been improved: Multiple selection of objects in the studio when you press ctrl/cmd key or press Shift + Drag frame in studio area. Deselecting objects from the multiple selection now also works without errors. The same is true in the set list.
- NEW! Studio template can be applied in an open project (previously, a studio template could only be selected when starting a new project)
- NEW! Selected snaps can be exported to a new .set-file
- UPDATED! The rendered images now contain the EXIF data of the camera
- The performance of the software has been improved, RAM consumption reduced
- Many major improvements to the software core
- Mac version is now a universal app. It also includes the M1 native version.
- Fixed bugs
- Added more bugs to fix later 😀
What's new in V 2.5.7
- New Patcher (is necessary to patch V.2.5.8)
- The patch is about 19 MB (for Mac 30 MB)
What's new in V 2.5.6
- NEW: Lens 18-135 mm
- More FPS values for film camera (120, 240, 400, 800, 1000, 2000 fps)
- Portrait/landscape switching of the cameras now also possible in the technical settings
- Small bug fixes
- Hotfix for speedlights (own speedlights were not applied correctly in V2.5.5)
NOTE: From V2.5.3 to V2.5.5 must be reinstalled, an update from V 2.5.3 via Patcher is not possible. All personal settings are retained.
What's new in V 2.5.5
I am a headline
- NEW: Lens 18-135 mm
- More FPS values for film camera (120, 240, 400, 800, 1000, 2000 fps)
- Portrait/landscape switching of the cameras now also possible in the technical settings
- Small bug fixes
- Hotfix for speedlights (own speedlights were not applied correctly in V2.5.5)
NOTE: From V2.5.3 to V2.5.5 must be reinstalled, an update from V 2.5.3 via Patcher is not possible. All personal settings are retained.
What's new in V 2.5.3
- Flexible license control for schools
- NEW: More textures for the floor
- Hotfix for 2.5.2
2.5.2 Update:
- License module renewed (in the customer account the activated PC's are visible - from V2.5.2)
- NEW: More hair for female models
- NEW: Cap for men
- NEW: 2 new sunglasses for the female models
- NEW: The color of the glasses can now be changed
- NEW: The eyes can now be closed
- NEW: Wall element with many textures
- NEW: More textures for the floor
- NEW: ARRI Lite 750/2000 Plus
- Parabolic Softbox now with Grid
- In the export there is a possibility to render the shadow or the model masked
- Many detail improvements and bug fixes
What's new in V 2.5.1
UPGRADE to set.a.light 3D V2.5
IMPORTANT: The upgrade requires a new installation, it will not be delivered by automatic patch!
- Trial time reset, everybody can test set.a.light 3D V2.5 again!
- NEW: Community to share and download light setups
- NEW: ARRI L5-C, L7-C, L10-C
- NEW: Eyelids of the models move automatically with the direction of gaze
- NEW: The skin of the models can be changed (light, dark, own color)
- NEW: More hair for Mike, Thomas and Jamal
- NEW: Glasses for Kira and Jamal
- Minimum adjustable size of the modes now 5 cm, maximum is 500 cm
- Many new combination possibilities of the existing clothes
- Rendering can now also be created and exported in the export tab
- The studio view is now displayed more nicely in the export
- Color Gels can now be edited in the set list
- Many detail improvements and bug fixes
- 操作系统 Windows® 11 / 10 (64 Bit)
- 处理器 Intel® Core i3 / i5 / i7 / i9, 或同等效能的 AMD 处理器
- 显卡 支持DirectX 11,配备至少 2 GB 显存 (推荐6 GB) 并安装最新驱动的显卡
- 显示器 分辨率应不低于 1440x960
- 运行内存 8 GB 内存 (推荐16 GB)
- 硬盘空间 10 GB 可用硬盘空间
- 网络连接 因特网接入 (用于更新和插件)
- 控制外设 鼠标或触摸板 (推荐使用鼠标操作)
想要获得最佳的使用体验,我们建议您配备支持 DirectX12 并拥有至少6GB显存的高性能独立显卡。
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 4070 TI Super 或 ATI Radeon® RX 6750 XT.
受限于较小的功率,集成显卡(如Intel® Iris Plus/Pro)不是最佳的选择。
- Mac 型号 2017款或更新的型号
- 操作系统 macOS 11 Big Sur (64 Bit) 或更新版本 (推荐使用 15.x Sequoia及以上)
- 处理器 英特尔多核处理器;原生支持M1/M2/M3处理器
- 显卡 配备至少 2 GB 显存(推荐8GB显存)和 OpenGL 4.1/Metal 的显卡
- 显示器 分辨率应不低于 1440x960
- 运行内存 8 GB 内存 (推荐16 GB)
- 硬盘空间 10 GB 可用硬盘空间
- 网络连接 因特网接入 (用于更新和插件)
- 控制外设 鼠标或触摸板 (推荐使用鼠标操作)
想要获得最佳的使用体验,我们建议您配备支持 OpenGL 4.1/Metal并拥有至少8GB显存的高性能独立显卡。
AMD Radeon Pro 5600M 或 M3(不少于16核心的图形处理器)
受限于较小的功率,集成显卡(如Intel® Iris Plus/Pro)不是最佳的选择。